OK – seems that attachments are not permissible. The error was:
An internal error occurred during: searching for markers
Decoratio calculation
GC overhead limit exceeded
Eclipse does not return any results nor following through the code as I would expect it to do so…
From: Avramidis, Jason (NSN - GR/Athens)
Sent: Tuesday, October 01, 2013 1:36 PM
To: 'trex-user@informatik.uni-goettingen.de'
Subject: T-Rex (newbie) query!
Dear all
I am trying to use the T-Rex build-in functionality “open declaration” and “find references”. Nothing seems to happen and after a while (hanging Eclipse) I get the following errors:
I am using the plugin of T-Rex on Eclipse 3.7.2 . As recommended, I have increased the mem usage to 512m, but still seems to have no effect. I am using Subclipse for my TTCN script repo (which is relative large) and the default Java perspective (if that has anything to do with it).
What I want to do here is to enable Eclipse to ‘resolve’ functions, declarations etc so that I can navigate through the code quicker – without having to manually look where a particular function is stored. I presume T-Rex should allow me to do this, right?
Any thoughts that might help me figure what’s wrong here?